InDesign is mysterious program…. well adobe name it is as page “page layout application” without mentioning it as what kind of page it is! Most of people use it for print pages other users it for Onscreen, interactive pages. But the page for which it is not suitable for is web page because while InDesign can export HTML, it can’t export “HTML page geometry” i.e where the text and graphics should be on the web page.
Undoubtedly the InDesign built in data merge feature is extremely useful feature to create product catalogues, mailing labels, letters, envelope, business cards, coupons and any other data publishing jobs.
InDesign data merge allows you to create an InDesign document that contain field placeholders and then automatically populate another document from a file containing all the data. Adobe makes it easy to import excel spreadsheet directly into InDesign document. Let’s know how it is to be done.
Steps To Import Data From Excel To InDesign
Step 1: Open the Target Document
Open the target document template that has the .indd file extension. InDesign work for data merge if the target document has a single page only. If this contains multiple pages then delete the pages you don’t need.
Step 2: Select Data Source
Select only one data source for target document.
• Open Data Merge Panel
• Now open the Open Data Merge panel for this go to:
• Window > Automation > Data Merge or Window > Utilities > Data Merge
Note: if you don’t know how data merge works, the panel describes the easiest steps of the process.
1. Choose Select Data Source from the panel menu.
2. Now drag data fields from the panel to frame on the page.
3. Choose Create Merged Document from the panel menu.
Instruction will appear if no data source file is selected for target document. Once you have selected off the data source, you will see the data fields instead.
Step 3: Define the data fields form
Using the available field in your data merge panel, you can add, delete or replace fields.
Also Read: 5 Stunning Tricks To Speed Up InDesign..!
Step 4: Create Merged Document
For making the merged document you can either click the create merged document icon in the data merged panel or choose create merged document from the data merge panel menu.
Records To Merge:
This option is actually to get confirmed that which records to be merged and in what order. If you want to merge all the records then select “all records”. “Single records” option is to merge a specific record. If you have multiple records to merge then specify the range.
Records per Document Page:
You have the option to select either single or multiple records on a page. Single records itself generate page containing one or more copies of the same record using your target documents layout.
Multiple records generate pages containing multiple records using the layout options in the Multiple Record Layout option of the create Merged Document Dialog window.
If you are unable to select multiple records then make sure that you have only single page in your each Target document.
Generate overset text reports with document creation to automatically create a report that tells you which data from your data source didn’t fit into the provided placeholders.
If you want to create a report that tells you which images are missing in the merged document then select Alert When Images Are Missing.
Layout Records:
Wants row or column wise arranged of your records along with specifying spacing between rows and columns? Then also there are so many options to set the layout of your records as per your needs.
To watch the preview of how merged document will look like, select the “Preview Multiple Record Layouts” checkbox. If the preview is ok then click to the OK option and this will generate the merged document.
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