Monday, 20 March 2017

Fix for Font Problems in Adobe InDesign

InDesing allows user to become creative with fonts and designs, using InDesing is one of the most fun and rewarding aspects. But sometime user may encounter font-related issues while using Indesign. 

If your InDesing is showing font error or suffering from any type of font related issue then hold on, and don’t take any drastic action. Simply apply any of the below given troubleshooting tips to dealing with common font issues of InDesign.

Trick #1: Search for Missing Font Styles

If you have a font that’s not displaying properly, or seems to be unavailable from your drop-down menu of fonts in InDesign then you at first install the font onto your Windows or Mac system. There are more than one reasons because of that the font might not be showing up in InDesign.

The first common issue is that the font is hiding in InDesign’s menu someplace, but not in the place user searching. For example, if you install any style of Arial ‘Black weight’, but it is not available under the usual ‘Arial’ drop-down menu, InDesign may have categorized it as a different font family, and it may be present somewhere else in the menu. 

In order to access the full range of options available in the menu you need to type ‘A-r-i-a...’ etc while accessing the font drop-down menu to prompt InDesign.

Also Visit: Repairs Corrupt InDesign Files

Trick #2: Check Out InDesign’s Font Folder

The second cause of missing font is that the font hasn’t been placed accurately into InDesign Font Folder while installation. InDesign maintains contains its own font folder that is completely different from your computer’s default font folder.

In order to open InDesign Font Folder simply follow the following paths (CS5 and earlier):

Windows: Program Files/Common Files/Adobe/Fonts
Mac OS: Library/Application Support/Adobe/Fonts

Navigate to the above given path and manually place font files in here to be able to use them directly from your InDesign documents. After placing fonts into the folder you don’t need to install them and they will be added immediately in InDesign’s font menu.

Trick #3: Identify a Corrupt Font File

If you are still unable to use your added fonts or any type of font issue or font is still not appearing up in InDesign’s drop-down menu. 

If existing text is being replaced with an alternate font in InDesign and you are unable to fix it with the above given solution then you may be dealing with a damaged font. 

To solve this you need to apply some below given tricks:

At first, make sure that the downloaded fonts are ok and not affected, search for alternative places from which to download the font file. Take the help of Google to see if you can find any other places to download the font from. Confirm that the original version of the font that you installed was damaged or not.

Trick #4: Internet Connection is Ok

A last but not least cause for missing fonts: if you’re using InDesign CC, then make sure that Adobe Typekit hasn’t successfully synced your selected fonts to your desktop. If this is the case, verify your internet connection, and make sure that you are successfully signed in to Creative Cloud. Typekit will sync fonts automatically when the conditions are accurate.

So these all about the solution to get rid of fonts issue, apply them carefully to make your InDesing document Error free.

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